10 Simple Tips To Help Feed Picky Eaters Without Any Stress

Food Tips For Picky Eaters

by Dr Sumaira Rafiq
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10 Simple Tips To Help Feed Picky Eaters Without Any Stress

Feeding picky eaters can be an overwhelming task for parents, especially when it comes to ensuring their child is eating healthy foods. But don’t worry – we have 10 simple tips that will help you feed picky eaters without any stress! Keep reading to find out how you can help your picky eating children get the nutrients they need.


If you have picky eaters at home, then you know how challenging it can be to get them to eat their vegetables or try new foods. You may have even resorted to bribing them with dessert or making separate meals for everyone.

While it can be frustrating, there are some simple tips you can follow to help feed picky eaters without any stress.

  1. Try not to make a big deal out of trying new foods.

If you act like it’s no big deal, then your child is more likely to be curious and try it.

2. Don’t force them to eat something they don’t want.

If they take one bite and decide they don’t like it, that’s okay. Just let them know that they don’t have to finish it.

3.  Offer a variety of food choices at each meal.

This way, your child can choose what they want to eat and you’re not putting all the pressure on them to eat something specific.

4. Make sure the foods you’re offering are healthy and nutritious.

If your child knows they’re eating something that’s good for them, they’re more likely to be open to trying it.

 5. don’t give up! It may take some time and patience

but eventually your picky eater will become more adventurous with their food choices.

Tip #1: Involve the Kids in Meal Planning and Preparation

One of the best ways to get your kids to eat their meals is to involve them in the meal planning and preparation process. This will give them a sense of ownership over what they are eating and will make them more likely to try new things. Plus, it’s a great way to bond with your kids and teach them some valuable life skills.

Here are some tips for involving your kids in meal planning and preparation:

1. Let them help you choose recipes. Ask them what kinds of foods they like and then let them help you pick out recipes that incorporate those foods.

2. Let them help you with the grocery shopping. Take them with you to the store and let them help you select the ingredients for your recipes.

3. Let them help you prepare the food. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids about cooking and food safety. Show them how to wash their hands, chop vegetables, measure ingredients, etc.

4. Let them set the table. This is a great way to get them involved in mealtime without having to do any cooking yourself. They can help set the table, including setting out utensils, plates, cups, etc.

5. Let them help clean up after meals. This is another great way to involve your kids in mealtime without any extra work for you. They can help clear the table, load the dishwasher, etc

Tip #2: Make Food Fun

Food can be fun! Here are some tips to make mealtime more enjoyable for everyone:

1. Use fun plates and bowls. There are all sorts of fun, kid-friendly dishes available these days. Choose plates and bowls that have colorful designs or characters your child loves.

2. Get creative with food presentation. Turn ordinary foods into works of art! For example, use cookie cutters to create fun shapes out of sandwiches or fruits and vegetables.

3. Serve finger foods. Kids love being able to eat with their hands, so try serving some items in a “finger food” style. This can be anything from bite-sized pieces of chicken or cheese, to mini quesadillas or pizzas cut into small strips.

4. Make mealtime interactive. Instead of just sitting down and eating, make mealtime interactive by playing games or engaging in conversations while everyone eats. This will help keep kids interested and engaged during the meal.

5. Let kids help in the kitchen. Getting kids involved in the cooking process can make them more excited about trying new foods. If they help make the meal, they’ll be more likely to want to eat it!

Tip #3: Offer Variety

If your picky eater is bored with the same old food options, try shaking things up a bit! Offering a variety of foods, both in terms of taste and texture, can help your child find something they actually enjoy eating.

Try incorporating new fruits and vegetables into their diet, or offering different types of proteins such as chicken, fish, or tofu. You can also experiment with different cooking methods, such as grilling, roasting, or stir-frying.

If your child is really struggling to find foods they like, consider working with a Registered Dietitian who can help you identify healthy foods that your child will actually enjoy eating.

Tip #4: Don’t Pressure Your Child to Eat

If your child isn’t interested in eating, don’t force them. It can be tempting to try and coerce your child into eating, especially if they’re not eating as much as you or the doctor would like. However, this will only make mealtimes more stressful for both of you. Instead, offer your child small amounts of food and let them eat at their own pace. If they’re still not interested, don’t worry – just try again at the next mealtime.

Tip #5: Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

One of the best ways to encourage healthy eating habits in picky eaters is to involve them in the cooking process.

Let them help you wash and chop vegetables, or measure and mix ingredients. This will not only make mealtime more fun, but it will also give them a sense of ownership over what they’re eating.

Another great way to encourage healthy eating habits is to lead by example.

If you’re eating a variety of healthy foods yourself, your picky eater is more likely to follow suit. Try to sit down together as a family for meals whenever possible, and make sure that everyone is getting a balanced diet.

Finally, don’t give up! Just because your picky eater turns their nose up at Brussels sprouts doesn’t mean they’ll never eat them. With time and patience, you can eventually get them to try (and even like!) new things.

Tip #6: Introduce New Foods Gradually

If you’re trying to get your picky eater to try new foods, it’s important to introduce them gradually. Start by offering new foods along with familiar favorites, and don’t be discouraged if your child doesn’t take to them right away.

Some kids need to try a new food several times before they’ll develop a taste for it. Be patient and keep offering new foods, and eventually your child will expand their palate.

Tip #7: Cook with Your Kids

Cooking with your kids can be a fun and rewarding experience. It can also help them to be more open to trying new foods. involve them in the cooking process as much as possible, such as letting them help measure ingredients, stir the pot, or decorate the finished dish.

If they are old enough, you can even let them help plan the meal. Letting them be involved will make them more likely to try what you’ve made and less likely to be picky eaters.

Tip #8: Get Creative With Presentation

When it comes to picky eaters, presentation can be key. If your child is used to seeing their food in a certain way, try getting creative with the presentation. Instead of serving chicken nuggets on a plate, try using shaped cookie cutters to make them into fun shapes. Serve fruits and vegetables with dip or sauce on the side for dipping. Get creative and have fun with it! Your child may be more likely to try new foods if they are presented in a fun and exciting way.

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