Colic in Babies:

by Dr Sumaira Rafiq
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A blog post on what colic is and how it can be treated.Check PlagiarismCopySave

Understanding Colic In Babies: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

For any new parent, the sound of a crying baby can be one of the most stressful and confusing aspects of caring for your little one. But what if that crying is more than just typical newborn fussiness? Understanding why your baby might be crying and how to help them can be a difficult process, so today we’re exploring colic in babies, from causes to treatments. Read on to find out what you need to know!

Introduction to Colic

Colic is a condition that affects some babies, characterized by prolonged periods of crying. It can be frustrating and exhausting for parents to deal with, but there are some things that can be done to help. Most babies will cry for a total of around two hours each day, but babies with colic can cry for up to five hours at a time. Colic typically starts when a baby is around two weeks old and goes away by the time they reach four months old. There is no one definitive cause of colic, but it is thought to be related to an immature nervous system. Babies with colic may have trouble regulating their breathing and heart rate, which can lead to periods of crying. There are a few different ways to treat colic, including: – swaddling the baby in a blanket to help them feel more secure – using a pacifier or white noise machine to soothe them -rocking or bouncing the baby in your arms -taking them for a car ride

What is Colic?

Colic is a condition that affects infants, characterized by prolonged periods of crying. It typically occurs in the first few months of life and usually goes away by the time the baby is 4 to 6 months old. There is no single cause of colic, but it is thought to be related to the development of the infant’s nervous system. Colic may also be caused by gastroesophageal reflux (GER), food allergies, or lactose intolerance. Symptoms of colic include prolonged crying, fussiness, and gas. The baby may also appear to be in pain and may draw up his or her legs. Crying episodes can last for several hours at a time and often occur at the same time each day. Treatment for colic typically involves soothing measures such as rocking, walks, or white noise. If these measures do not work, your doctor may prescribe medication to help relieve your baby’s symptoms.

Causes of Colic in Babies

There are many potential causes of colic in babies, though the exact cause is often unknown. Some common theories include: – gastrointestinal discomfort: Babies have immature digestive systems and can be sensitive to certain foods or beverages that their mothers consume. They may also experience discomfort from gas or acid reflux. – sensory overload: Too much stimuli (sights, sounds, smells) can be overwhelming for a young baby’s nervous system. This can lead to fussiness and crying. – psychological factors: Some experts believe that colic may be caused by a baby’s reaction to stress or anxiety. This could be due to separation from the mother, changes in routine, or other stressful situations.

Symptoms of Colic in Babies

Colic is a condition that causes babies to experience periods of intense crying. It typically occurs in the evening and can last for several hours. The crying is often accompanied by clenching of the fists, drawing up of the knees, and arching of the back. These episodes can be very distressing for both baby and parents. There are a number of possible causes of colic, but the exact cause is unknown. It is thought to be related to a combination of factors, including an immature digestive system, food sensitivities, and gas buildup in the intestines. Colic usually starts around 2-3 weeks of age and typically goes away by 4-5 months. If your baby is experiencing colic, there are a few things you can do to help ease their discomfort: • Hold them close and rock them gently • Take them for a car ride or walk in a stroller • Place them in a swing or bouncy seat • Try white noise or lullabies to soothe them • Give them a pacifier If your baby’s colic persists despite your best efforts, it may be helpful to consult with your pediatrician or a pediatric gastroenterologist. There are also a number of over-the-counter medications that can help relieve some of the symptoms associated with colic.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Colic in Babies

Colic is a condition that affects some babies. It is characterized by long periods of crying, often for no apparent reason. Colic can be frustrating and exhausting for both baby and parent. There is no one cause of colic, but it is thought to be due to a combination of factors. These may include gastrointestinal issues, food sensitivities, and/or changes in the environment or routine. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for colic. These include dietary changes, probiotics, gas relief measures, and white noise therapy. Working with your child’s healthcare provider can help you choose the best course of treatment for your baby.

How to Help a Baby with Colic

If your baby is inconsolable and seems to be in pain, they may be suffering from colic. Colic is a common condition that affects up to 40% of infants. It is characterized by prolonged crying episodes that occur for no apparent reason. While the exact cause of colic is unknown, it is believed to be related to an immature digestive system. Babies with colic often have gas, bloating, and tummy pain. There are several things you can do to help soothe your baby’s discomfort: • Hold them upright during and after feedings. This will help them digest their food more easily. • Burp them often. This will help release any trapped gas bubbles. • Gently massage their tummy in a clockwise direction. This can help relieve stomach cramps. • Place them in a warm bath. The water can help relax their muscles and ease pain.

Alternative Treatments for Colic in Babies

There are a variety of alternative treatments for colic in babies that parents can explore. Some common methods include: Gripe water: This is a natural remedy that contains herbs like ginger or fennel, which can help to soothe the stomach and reduce gas. Chiropractic care: Chiropractors specialize in aligning the spine and adjusting the nervous system. They may be able to provide relief for babies with colic by gently manipulating the spine and correcting any subluxations. Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese medicine technique involves inserting thin needles into strategic points on the body to relieve pain and promote healing. It may be effective in treating colic by reducing gastrointestinal inflammation and stimulating digestive function. Massage: Gently massaging your baby’s tummy can help to relieve gas and bloating. It can also be calming for both you and your little one. Herbal teas: Certain herbal teas, like chamomile or peppermint, can be helpful in soothing an upset stomach. Just be sure to check with your pediatrician before giving any tea to your baby.


Colic in babies can be a difficult experience for parents, but understanding the causes and symptoms of colic can help you to better manage your baby’s discomfort. Many times, home remedies such as massage, swaddling and sound machines are effective at calming a colicky baby. If these methods don’t work or if you notice any signs of an underlying medical condition, it is important to contact your pediatrician immediately. With proper treatment and patience from parents, most babies will outgrow their episodes of colic by 3-4 months old.

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