Challenges of Breastfeeding in newborn

Poor Latching and Tips to Help

by Dr Sumaira Rafiq
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Challenges of Breastfeeding in newborn Poor Latching and Tips to Help

For many new mothers, breastfeeding can be a difficult and challenging experience. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of poor latching in newborn babies during the first week of life, as well as some tips that can help mothers overcome these challenges and make breastfeeding easier.


One of the most common challenges new mothers face when breastfeeding is poor latching. Poor latching can be caused by a number of factors, including incorrect positioning, an inexperienced mother, or an anxious baby. While poor latching can be frustrating, there are a few things you can do to help improve the situation.

To start, make sure you are correctly positioned for breastfeeding. The baby should be tummy-to-tummy with the mother, with the nose in line with the nipple. The chin should be down and the mouth should open wide to take in as much of the areola as possible. If you’re having trouble getting your baby into this position, ask a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider for help.

Once you’re positioned correctly, try to relax and let your baby latch on at their own pace. If your baby is having difficulty latching, gently stroke their cheek until they turn their head towards your breast and open their mouth wide. You may also need to express a little milk onto your nipple to help encourage them to latch on.

If you’re still having trouble after trying these tips, talk to your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant about other options that may be available to you.

Causes of Poor Latching During Breastfeeding

One of the most common causes of poor latching during breastfeeding is an incorrect position. The mother and baby should be in a comfortable, upright position when latching. The baby should be positioned so that their chin is touching the breast, and their nose is free to breathe. The mother should support the back of the baby’s head with her hand.

Another common cause of poor latching is an improper latch. The baby should take a large mouthful of breast tissue when latching onto the nipple. They should not just latch onto the nipple itself. A good latch will result in a rhythmic suck-swallow-breathe pattern. If the baby is not latched on correctly, they may pull away from the breast frequently or make clicking noises while nursing.

Lastly, engorgement can cause poor latching during breastfeeding. Engorgement occurs when the breasts become overly full of milk and are hard to touch. This can make it difficult for the baby to latch onto the breast correctly. To help prevent engorgement, try to nurse often in the early days after childbirth, and express milk if necessary to relieve pressure build-up.

Challenges of Breastfeeding in the First Week

The first week of breastfeeding can be a challenging time for both mother and baby. There are many things that can cause poor latching, and it is important to identify the problem so that it can be corrected. Some common causes of poor latching include:

  1. Baby not positioned correctly: The baby should be positioned so that their nose is level with the nipple, and their chin is touching the breast. If the baby is not positioned correctly, they will not be able to latch on properly.
  2. Nipple size: If the nipple is too small or too large, it can make it difficult for the baby to latch on correctly.
  3. Breast size: If the breast is too small or too large, it can also make it difficult for the baby to latch on correctly.
  4. Tongue tie: A tongue tie can prevent the baby from being able to extend their tongue properly, which makes it difficult to latch on correctly.

There are several things that you can do to help correct these problems. If you are having trouble positioning your baby, try using a pillow or prop them up with a rolled towel under their shoulders. You may also want to try different positions such as cradle hold or side-lying position.

If your nipples are causing difficulty, you can use a shield or pump prior to feeding to help soften them and make them more pliable. Finally, if tongue tie is an issue, there are procedures that can be done by a doctor to

Tips to Overcome Breastfeeding Difficulties

If you’re having difficulty breastfeeding, don’t despair. Many women face challenges with breastfeeding in the first week, but there are ways to overcome them.

One common cause of poor latching is incorrect positioning. Make sure you position your baby’s head and body in a way that allows them to latch on correctly. You can also try using a pillow to support your baby’s head and back.
It’s also important to make sure your baby is getting enough milk. If you think your baby isn’t getting enough milk, try pumping after feedings or increasing the frequency of feedings. You can also talk to a lactation consultant or your doctor for more advice.

Finally, remember that it takes time and practice to master breastfeeding. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t come naturally at first – with a little perseverance, you’ll get the hang of it!

Practical Strategies to Improve Latching and Milk Intake

If your baby is not latching on well or you are concerned about their milk intake, there are some practical strategies you can try to improve things.

Firstly, it is important to ensure that your baby is positioned correctly for latching. They should be lined up nose-to-nipple, with their chin touching the breast and their body facing you. You may need to experiment with different positions until you find one that works well for you both.

Once they are latched on, check that their tongue is over the lower gum and not pressed against the back of the nipple. If their tongue is blocking the flow of milk, gently insert your finger between their tongue and gums to break the suction and try again.

It can also help to let your baby set the pace of feeding, rather than trying to force them to eat faster or slower than they want to. Allowing them to take pauses during feeds will help them to avoid getting overwhelmed or frustrated.
Finally, make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids yourself and eating a balanced diet. This will help to ensure that your milk supply is sufficient for your baby’s needs.

Benefits of Proper Latching and Feeding Techniques

There are many benefits to proper latch and feeding techniques when breastfeeding. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Proper latching helps to ensure that your baby is getting enough milk. If your baby is not properly latched on, he or she may not be able to get enough milk and may become frustrated or fussy.
  2. Proper latching also helps to prevent nipple soreness. If your baby is not latched on correctly, he or she can end up biting or scratching your nipple, which can lead to pain and discomfort.
  3. Proper latching and feeding techniques can help to boost your milk supply. If you are struggling with low milk supply, making sure that your baby is latched on correctly can help to increase the amount of milk that you produce.
  4. Proper latch and feeding techniques can also help to prevent engorgement. Engorgement occurs when your breasts become overly full of milk and can be very painful. If you make sure that your baby is latched on correctly, he or she will empty out your breasts more effectively, which can help to reduce the risk of engorgement


Overall, breastfeeding can be a difficult journey but with the right support and knowledge it can also be incredibly rewarding. Poor latching is one of the biggest challenges that new mothers face in the first week, however there are ways to overcome this obstacle.

By understanding how to correctly attach your baby to your nipple and breast, you will find that breastfeeding becomes more manageable as you go along. With these tips in mind, we hope that you have been empowered to make an informed decision about what works best for both you and your baby when it comes to breastfeeding.

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